Home Opportunities Thomson Reuters Reporting on Illicit Finance in Africa 2022

Thomson Reuters Reporting on Illicit Finance in Africa 2022

Deadline: September 4, 2022

Applications are invited for the Thomson Reuters Reporting on Illicit Finance in Africa 2022. Thomson Reuters Foundation in partnership with MISA Zimbabwe, of the Media Institute of Southern Africa, is looking for Zimbabwean journalists who are motivated to understand how their country could be losing money via illicit means.

Wealth of Nations is a long-term engagement, and journalists who take part must commit to all elements of the scheme, signing an agreement to this effect. These elements include:

  • Intensive training on reporting illicit finance:
    • The first workshop will take place from Wednesday, 21 to Friday, 23 September 2022 in Harare
    • A follow-up workshop will take place from Wednesday, 19 to Friday, 21 October 2022 in Harare
  • For selected participants:
    • The production of stories on illicit financial flows
    • A mentoring support scheme that will help produce these stories

Journalists will not be considered to have completed the scheme until they have completed all the elements, which for selected participants includes producing at least one story on illicit financial flows, and will not receive their certificates until this point.


  • Successful applicants will receive a full bursary that will cover accommodation, local transfers and meals.


  • Open to journalists who have not taken part in Wealth of Nations before.
  • Journalists with at least two years of professional experience.
  • It is an advantage if you are familiar with investigative journalism, reporting on finances and/or dealing with numbers more generally, but if you have a strong motivation to learn about and understand these issues then they will consider your application.
  • You must be able to spend significant time working on illicit finance stories.
  • Both freelancers and staff journalists may apply. Journalists working for a news organization will need consent from their editor to take part. Freelancers should provide evidence that one or more media organizations will be willing to take their work.
  • Journalists working in any medium or multiple media are welcome to apply (print, online, radio or television).
  • Journalists should be based in Zimbabwe and working for one or more Zimbabwean media organizations.
  • Journalists applying must have fluent English.


You must have the following ready before you begin completing the application form:

  • Two work samples. TV/Radio journalists can send in their scripts and a brief summary.
    • If relevant work samples are in local language, provide an English translation (if work sample is online, share link so that the web page can be translated).
  • A letter from your editor consenting to your participation and confirming that they will publish any story produced through the programmed
    • For example, the letter should say “I confirm that we will publish any story produced through the programmed”.
    • If the letter from your editor does not explicitly state this, TRF will not be able to consider your application.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Thomson Reuters.


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